Kapha is one of the three doshas in the human body that is made up of Earth and Water - A combination that makes up almost all the basic elements in the universe. So, Kapha channels the characteristics of both, firmness and stability of the earth, coolness, free movement of the water. Kapha is the Ayurvedic dosha that is known for its quality of holding everything in unison.
Kapha is based on 2 components – Earth and Water
Those with Kapha dosha are thick-boned and strong. Their sleep is sound and they can easily skip meals. They gain weight easily. They think before they act and can rarely hurt people.
When in balance: People with kapha dosha are calm, happy, strong, empathetic, caring, wise
When out of balance: People with kapha dosha can have metabolism issues, breathing issues and act quite lethargic – gaining weight. They are also susceptible to depression and would need regular motivation.
How to Balance dosha Kapha: A kapha-dominated person should exercise regularly, eat healthy food, maintain a warm body temperature and also establish a proper sleeping routine.